Every time , Every time , https://i.redd.it/v66qjk5jnn7e1.png , https://reddit.com/r/memeframe/comments/1hh8z6t/every_time/ , 1734548712 , https://preview.redd.it/v66qjk5jnn7e1.png?auto=webp&s=07da7e56ea627b9607e1cabec2ecbba3b941d662 , 1hh8z6t , i.redd.it , 2832 , Valet1245 , , , , , , , Valet1245 , 2024-12-18 19:05:12 , no , , Prompt, #time, #time, 1734605575, every-time

Every time

By Diario

30 thoughts on “Every time”
  1. Hah all those 200 days of spanish duolingo prepared me for this moment! and i still dont understand most of the spanish she says, she doesnt even say “donde esta la biblioteca?” like how am i gonna flirt with her now??

  2. How do you do it drools? (* note: i assume the baba she uses is for drool as that’s what it means but could be just a friendly no meaning term we latinos use them a lot, she basically is asking “how do you manage friend” if she does mean drool I have no idea why, did a cutscene has us drooling and I just didn’t realize? Or could just be a expression on her country we may all be latinos but the Spanish between 2 of our countries can be completely different with the streets slang)

  3. You can use “babas” as an euphemism for “menso” ~ fool.
    It is like when you mess with your friends, calling them names, but you do not mean it.
    You may have also heard the expression “baboso”. It is something similar.
    She is showing that she feels comfortable with you, in her way.

    Edit: Grammar.

  4. Maybe you all got confused because of the word “babas” but in Latin America, we use a lot of nicknames among friends and family members. Just think of that word as an equivalent of silly, or any sugarcoat way to say fool because that word literally doesn’t make sense in English, that’s why you wonder why she calls you drool/slime.

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