Who are you adding to the list? , Who are you adding to the list? , https://i.redd.it/w1xob5emrfv91.png , https://reddit.com/r/memes/comments/yatytk/who_are_you_adding_to_the_list/ , 1666460828 , https://preview.redd.it/w1xob5emrfv91.png?auto=webp&s=7ea35219cda49028d792efe7b0d5fad448b84cea , yatytk , i.redd.it , 8913 , Sadboy_looking4memes , , , , , , , Sadboy_looking4memes , 2022-10-22 17:47:08 , no , , Prompt, #adding #list, #adding #list, 1731954100, who-are-you-adding-to-the-list

Who are you adding to the list?

By Diario

39 thoughts on “Who are you adding to the list?”
  1. In my (small) hometown in Austria (and whole of Austria and Germany too) in the middle ages if the Semmerl (bread) were too small they would put the Baker in a cage on a long arm and would put it under water in the Danube until he nearly drowned so he would remember to make them bigger. It was called “Bäckerschupfen”.

  2. Belgium ofcourse, you need to try the ‘pateekes’ or ‘koffiekoeken
    In each bakery there are at least 20 different sweets who are so good, you get sent to another dimension everytime you eat one.

    Look up éclair, chocoladecrèmekoek, een acht patee, rijsttaartje, bresiliènnetaartje, confituurtaart, aardbijtaart, appelflap, marsepijntaart, flantaart, mattentaart, fruittaart, een hoor patee, profeterollen, …. Its an endless list actually

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