Here is some playful content about what to call your Chilean boyfriend in Spanish, with SEO tags added:

¡Mi amor chileno! ¡Cómo te quiero! []

Cuando pienso en ti, no puedo evitar sonreír. Eres mi cielo, mi sol, mi estrella. []

Aquí te dejo algunas ideas de cómo decirle a tu chico chileno lo mucho que significa para ti:

1. Mi amor – My love [

Nicknames for your Chilean boyfriend

2. Cariño – Darling [

  • Mi amor – My love
  • ]
    3. Corazón – Sweetheart [

  • Cariño – Darling
  • ]
    4. Príncipe – Prince [

  • Corazón – Sweetheart
  • ]
    5. Tesoro – Treasure [

  • Príncipe – Prince
  • ]
    6. Mi vida – My life [

  • Tesoro – Treasure
  • ]
    7. Mi rey – My king [

  • Mi vida – My life
  • ]
    8. Cosita linda – Cute little thing [

  • Mi rey – My king
  • ]
    9. Gordito – Chubby (term of endearment) [

  • Cosita linda – Cute little thing
  • ]
    10. Osito – Little bear [

  • Gordito – Chubby


Recuerda que lo más importante es que venga del corazón. ¡Sé creativa y diviértete pensando en nuevas formas de expresar tu amor! [

Remember, the most important thing is that it comes from the heart. Be creative and have fun thinking of new ways to express your love!


No olvides acompañar estos apodos cariñosos con muchos abrazos y besos. [hug and kiss your boyfriend]

Espero que estas ideas te ayuden a sentirte más cerca de tu chico chileno. ¡Disfruta de cada momento juntos! []

Con cariño,
Insolito []

I’m from Canada and he’s from Chile, my first language is French and he speaks a little of English, I’m currently learning Spanish but find it very hard to find anything romantic to say could I have any ideas please?

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27 comentarios en «What can I say/call my Chilean boyfriend»
  1. “Tulachi”… Chilean natives from a few centuries ago called like that to the strongest and most powerful guy in the tribes. It was a sign of respect and worship.

    He will laugh and he will kiss you after that… it is a really well known tradition here in our country.

  2. It is a little bit tackie but chanchito or “mi pierna pelua” (means my leg with hair, I know it’s funny but I heard it more than I wanted it 😂), if He calls you “mi pierna suae” (means my smooth leg) it work.

  3. It’s common to just call your boyfriend/girlfriend ‘amor’ instead of his/her name.

    It’s casual and quite romantic at the same time. You can use it anytime in any context.

  4. Pololo, amor, washito. But never call him “papi”. i’m chilean and nobody calls their boyfriends/girlfriends “papi” or “mami”, probably your chilean boyfriend would feel unconfortable and cringe if you call him papi 🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️🙅‍♀️

  5. I call my bf “mi chanchito” (my little pig), “mi piojo” or “piojito” (my louse/little louse) and “mi garrapata” (I think this is translated to my tick). “Mi chanchito” is the most used name here for a bf or husband. And the other two nicknames related to insects because I’m taller than him jeje 🪰🪷

    Another names that are usual here are “mi amorcito”, “mi amorcito lindo”, “mi watoncito” (this is like calling him fat but in a very sweet way), “mi pelusón” (“peluson” is a word related to someone who do mischief, but still in a sweet way), “mi huasito”.

    Espero que te sirvan and I’m sorry for my bad english xox

  6. In Chile we have a very special way of saying “Will you love me forever?”. We say “the chanto un peo en la tula?” Which means something like “Will your heart remember me after it stops beating?”.

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