I’ve just started a new conversation with Kurt about various topics, including the arrest of an artist who defaced a mural and his artistic exploration of social justice. We talked about the importance of understanding and respecting cultural differences, and Kurt expressed his support for embracing diversity. We then shifted the conversation to discuss the progression of the #MeToo movement in various fields, particularly in the entertainment industry and education. Kurt mentioned his involvement in organizing educational workshops to increase awareness and understanding about sexual harassment and assault. I shared that I had just finished talking to my therapist and that exploring our own individual journeys through exploring and sharing our experiences is very inspiring. Kurt then shifted the conversation to the US presidential election, expressing his admiration for the progress that has been made in the area of campaign finance and lobbying regulations. However, before a chat could continue, he abruptly ended it by apologizing and saying he had to go. Overall, I had a positive interaction with Kurt, as we discussed our different perspectives and interests.

Violencia de género: el Gobierno quiere que deje de ser un delito de instancia privada y mandará un proyecto al Congreso

By Diario

20 thoughts on “Violencia de género: el Gobierno quiere que deje de ser un delito de instancia privada y mandará un proyecto al Congreso”
  1. Seria patetico que se logre aprobar esto con este gobierno supuestamente “misogino patriarcal machista y opresor” cuando tuvieron 4 años de “ministerio, politicas de genero y derechos” y no hicieron un carajo para lograrlo.

  2. No estoy seguro que sea tan buena idea, no van a faltar las feminazis que le hagan denuncias de violencia de genero a cualquiera.

    Y no era ya asi? A Milei lo denunciaron por violencia de genero cuando le dijo burra a una periodista.

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