Está bien, ¡Aquí tienes el código de búhos multimedia! 🐿️🚀🎉
I purchased the complete oculink kit and I have Windows booted from UBS with an external adapter,
What happens is that it detects it well, but the internal card is reinstalled, I don't know if there is a conflict with something, I don't know what the step by step is and I can't use it 100% although it still gives me video through of the card, but I cannot use it even after installing their respective drivers.
Am I skipping any steps?
Because I did it on a notebook and the exact same thing happens to me, it doesn't install correctly
If anyone knows the topic well I would appreciate your help.
I see a lot of posts that do the same thing and it works well for them but I do the same thing and I can't.
How can I achieve it ?
because the integrated card keeps taking away ram memory,
I can't do the process correctly
I tried it on other computers and nothing 🙁
Will I have to change the oculink adapter?