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“n-word” for fat people ,

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, , , 1722969885 , , 1elposs , , 13772 , nado144p , , , , , , , nado144p , 2024-08-06 18:44:45 , no , , Prompt, #nword #fat #people, #nword #fat #people, 1722982556, n-word-for-fat-people

By Diario

44 thoughts on ““n-word” for fat people”
  1. As a black woman I’m offended. Not only because the oppression of the two groups is incomparable, but also because you can lose weight, ergo no longer be obese. You can’t stop being black. This is why I can’t stand the body positivity movement, too many offensive and deluded people thinking it’s okay to dilute people’s struggles to prop up their own.

  2. I’m a fat fuck.

    I don’t have any trouble being called obese.

    I don’t use the n-word.

    I think the fact that we actually say obese and yet use the n- word instead of saying it…

  3. What I don’t understand is that if it’s so offensive to them then why do they say it over and over again?

    So Riley said the O-word before you did that morning.

    He says it every morning, he calls me obese, he calls the other kids obese, he calls himself a obese all the time!

    “Obese this”, “Obese that”, “Obese please”, “This Obese”, “Obese, have you lost your mind?”, “Obese, check that hoe!”, “Obese, you bullshitting”, “Break yourself, Obese!”

    He says it so much, I don’t even notice it anymore.

    Last week in lunch, Riley said to a classmate: “Can an obese borrow a French fry?” and my first thought wasn’t “Oh my god, he said the word… the O-word!”, It was “How is an obese gonna borrow a fry?”.

    “Obese, is you gonna give it back?”

    I tell ya, my inside voice didn’t talk like that before he got in my class!

  4. This is one of those statements that can be spoken on social media with confidence.

    Put this woman in a room full of black people of all weights and social classes, and she will gladly keep this shitty take to herself.

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