Da pra viver sem sexo, e quem acha que não tem algum tipo de carência ,

É isso, da pra ficar anos sem dar uma bimbada e levar uma vida normal,

Se você não consegue tem algum problema que você está confundindo com a sua sexualidade, num geral alguma carência

É isso


, https://www.reddit.com/r/opiniaoimpopular/comments/1hlrr03/da_pra_viver_sem_sexo_e_quem_acha_que_não_tem/ , https://reddit.com/r/opiniaoimpopular/comments/1hlrr03/da_pra_viver_sem_sexo_e_quem_acha_que_não_tem/ , 1735092874 , , 1hlrr03 , self.opiniaoimpopular , 126 , talvezomiranha , , , , , , , talvezomiranha , 2024-12-25 02:14:34 , no , Sexualidade , Prompt, #pra #viver #sem #sexo #quem #acha #não #tem #algum #tipo #carência, #pra #viver #sem #sexo #quem #acha #não #tem #algum #tipo #carência, 1735106011, da-pra-viver-sem-sexo-e-quem-acha-que-nao-tem-algum-tipo-de-carencia

É isso, da pra ficar anos sem dar uma bimbada e levar uma vida normal,

Se você não consegue tem algum problema que você está confundindo com a sua sexualidade, num geral alguma carência

É isso


By Diario

38 thoughts on “Da pra viver sem sexo, e quem acha que não tem algum tipo de carência”
  1. Bom, sim, é FISICAMENTE POSSÍVEL viver sem sexo. No mesmo sentido que também é fisicamente possível viver sem comer nenhuma comida gostosa, apenas bebendo um caldo nutritivo sem sabor. Não quer dizer que faça bem. A não ser que você seja assexual

  2. Eu concordo que dá pra viver um vida sem sexo. Porém não é o caminho natural. Inventamos uma quantidade imensurável de bobagem, mas no fundo somos apenas uns animais estranhos que foram extremamente bem sucedidos em se reproduzir e garantir sua sobrevivência. 

  3. Da pra viver sem sexo.

    Da pra viver sem comer nenhuma comida que você goste.

    Dá pra viver sem ter amigos.

    Da pra viver sem ter uma família.

    Da pra viver sem muitas coisas.

    Da pra viver com pouco dinheiro.

    Mas goste você ou não, sexo é uma parte bastante agradável e importante da vida, assim como todas essas coisas. E é preferível SIM que você tenha todas essas coisas na sua vida.

  4. >alguma carência

    Ué, carência é o sintoma da falta de algo essencial, qual o problema?

    E viver sem sexo até dá, mas eu nunca vi uma pessoa que não consiga achar um parceiro/a que seja mentalmente estável.

    E, honestamente, sempre que eu vejo alguém falar isso, me vem à cabeça [este post de um usuário do NeoGAF](https://www2.neogaf.com/threads/we-need-to-talk-about-the-online-radicalisation-of-young-white-men.1339235/page-8#post-229433812), elaborando muito bem a questão:

    >Sex is incredibly serious, incredibly important. Young men put a tremendous amount of value on being able to get laid and it makes 100% sense to me why they do so.

    >Reasons why the ability to get laid is important:

    >1. People need affection and companionship to be happy. Romantic affection is gated behind the ability to get laid and satisfy a partner.

    >2. Do you dream of starting a family one day? Won’t happen if you never get laid.

    >3. Your respect in a male group will be damaged by this issue, leading to self-esteem issues. If that group rejects you your social circle can crash around you leading to isolation. Your friends can end up excluding you from mixed-gender events if you can’t get laid – it becomes awkward for the guys who are, and hinders their efforts. I’ve seen this first-hand from high school to two colleges. That guy people are happy to have around unless they’re going somewhere to party or get laid, in which case he doesn’t get an invite.

    >4. Your sense of physical self-worth will be damaged by not being able to get laid, leading to body image issues.

    >5. Having a girlfriend is often a guy’s best way of being exposed to female circles of friends. Without this continuing exposure, guys can fail to understand and sympathise with girls, and start to ‘other’ them on these toxic sites online. No, that’s not a good excuse, but yes I believe it happens.

    >And so on and so forth. Sex is a tremendously important part of human life. Someone who has never had any success in that area is naturally bound to be extremely frustrated, upset and demoralised. Entitlement has nothing to do with it. Nobody has the right to get laid – and I really believe that young men understand that – but that doesn’t stop it being extremely upsetting for those who can’t.

    >The luxury of saying “sex isn’t that great, and not terribly important” is one enjoyed by people who have enough experience of it to know that. Those who don’t have such experience cannot know such things, and to them it appears to be a massive gaping absence in their lives, one that can cause crippling self-doubt, social anxiety, depression.

    >A high-school friend of mine killed himself when he was 19 in college because of lack of success with women. He was successful in every other way – a star athlete in rugby, even, and beloved by his friends – but he was somewhat ugly and nervous around girls and the issue grew and grew and grew until it dominated his thoughts and he became depressed. That caused a spiral he could not recover from. I will never forget it, I can’t forget it. I suppose some guys take that pain and violence and turn it outwards instead of inwards.

    >There’s no easy solution to sexually frustrated young men. I don’t think legalised prostitution would help much because you still have the self-esteem issues (I have to pay for it – I’m a loser), you still have a majority of young men who wouldn’t be able to afford it and you still have an absence of affection, which is what I’m convinced people need for their mental health, and was the thing my friend was desperate for. Affection.

    >More education and better mental health care would be a start but there are always going to be these angry isolated dudes, I fear.

    >EDIT: Most of the guys I knew in college who couldn’t get laid went on to have little to no success with women in the years following. I do believe that if you can’t figure it out during your 3 to 4 years surrounded by friendly young women then you’re in trouble long-term. I know plenty of college friends who are still virgins 13 years on from then. People are married with kids but these guys live alone. I can’t see how the ability to get laid could have more of an effect on your life, really.

    Querer se abster de sexo, por mim tudo bem. Mas querer falar que sexo não é importante é puro cope.

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