Conchas! ,

I made these to take to bar trivia. I used Irving Quiroz's recipe from Panes Mexicanos. It's in Spanish, but if that isn't a problem for you, it's a great read.

The recipe was a little fiddly, but the results were delicious. If you've never had conchas, you really should have conchas.

, , , 1733932973 , , 1hbwryi , , 436 , Lumen_Co , , , , , , , Lumen_Co , 2024-12-11 16:02:53 , no , Recipe , Prompt, #Conchas, #Conchas, 1733939752, conchas

I made these to take to bar trivia. I used Irving Quiroz's recipe from Panes Mexicanos. It's in Spanish, but if that isn't a problem for you, it's a great read.

The recipe was a little fiddly, but the results were delicious. If you've never had conchas, you really should have conchas.

By Diario

9 thoughts on “Conchas!”

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