[Homemade] Pan Dulce/Conchas , [Homemade] Pan Dulce/Conchas , https://i.redd.it/yet3ca3hjnj51.jpg , https://reddit.com/r/food/comments/ihyle9/homemade_pan_dulceconchas/ , 1598580645 , https://preview.redd.it/yet3ca3hjnj51.jpg?auto=webp&s=452fb5786bf7ec891ffaa1d262092f2518be041e , ihyle9 , i.redd.it , 6298 , venice_rocket_queen , , , , , , , venice_rocket_queen , 2020-08-28 02:10:45 , no , , Prompt, #Homemade #Pan #DulceConchas, #Homemade #Pan #DulceConchas, 1730423767, homemade-pan-dulce-conchas

[Homemade] Pan Dulce/Conchas

By Diario

31 thoughts on “[Homemade] Pan Dulce/Conchas”
  1. I gotta ask and I don’t care if you pm me or reply here but I really like conchas a lot. Like growing up I ate them and I had an aunt who made me huge ones to eat. I tried making them, but how exactly did you get the spots (the color sugar thing) to sit there. Mine always come out like sucked into the bread itself and not like that.

  2. There’s something about conchas that’s so nostalgic to me. Been eating it since I was a kid. I have fond memories of going to the bakery with my mom and buying pan dulce. I remember going over to my grandmas house and there would always be a bag of pan dulce on the kitchen table.

    Anyway, these looks so good and I love the color choice. ❤️

  3. Beautiful! My brother who passed away almost five years age loved these . I do too. Now I want to down to are local Mexican bakery and buy some. This bakery also makes the best tamales in our area. I just love California. We’re making enchiladas (chicken) later today. We just took the roast chicken out of the oven. You are very talented baker.🌞

  4. Living in Mexico for two years, I ate these probably a hundred times. They were delicious exactly three times and otherwise terrible. I don’t know if they were mostly stale or what, but damn…

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