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Dinero Falso en Cajeros Automáticos: Un Problema Creciente | Insolito !!!!

Dinero Falso en Cajeros Automáticos: Un Problema Creciente – Insolito !!!!

En los últimos años, se ha observado un aumento en la cantidad de billetes falsos que aparecen en los cajeros automáticos. Los estafadores utilizan técnicas sofisticadas para introducir dinero falso en estos dispositivos, lo que puede causar graves problemas a los usuarios que reciben estos billetes sin saberlo.

¿Cómo introducen los estafadores el dinero falso en los cajeros automáticos?

Una de las técnicas más comunes es la siguiente:

  1. Los estafadores consiguen acceso a un cajero automático utilizando tarjetas clonadas o robadas.
  2. Retiran dinero legítimo del cajero, pero luego introducen billetes falsos en el dispensador de efectivo.
  3. Cuando otros usuarios realizan retiradas de efectivo, pueden recibir estos billetes falsos sin darse cuenta.

¿Cómo puedo protegerme del dinero falso en los cajeros automáticos?

Aquí hay algunos consejos para evitar recibir dinero falso en los cajeros automáticos:

  • Utiliza solo cajeros automáticos ubicados en lugares seguros y bien iluminados, preferiblemente dentro de sucursales bancarias o centros comerciales.
  • Revisa cuidadosamente los billetes que recibes del cajero. Verifica las características de seguridad, como marcas de agua, hilos de seguridad y hologramas.
  • Si sospechas que has recibido un billete falso, no lo uses ni lo pases a otra persona. Infórmalo de inmediato al banco o a la policía.

Mantente informado y alerta para protegerte a ti mismo y a tu dinero de estas prácticas fraudulentas. Recuerda, la prevención es la clave.

Dinero falso en cajeros automáticos

Etiquetas SEO adicionales:

Hi, i just came back from Chile.
But at the airport I wanted to pay my coffee with 20.000 pesos bill.
The woman notified me that the note was fake and showed me why.
The dots at the banner were not shiny and the note. And some other note I showed her had little torns in it. As they were marked, probably as falsefication.
I can only get them from the redbank cashmachine because these only give 20.000 pesos bills as maximum value. So it can not be changed at a shop or taxi driver etc. I think I had 3 of them with a little torn and when I looked at them better the paper felt also a bit different.
I never imagined this could happen at a cashmachine from a bank.
I probably know in which.. In this case small touristic village it must have happened. But does it happen more often? Should I check all the bills from the cashmachine in south America? I check my bills when I get them as change from any other place or person as much as possible but I didn't expect this.

By Diario

10 thoughts on “False money in cash machine.”
  1. what airport? what kind of coffee place? were you visibly on transit or soon to departure? a common scam is exactly what you said after switching the note for a fake

    most likely you were scammed by the coffee atendant

  2. It’s not something that have happened before in Chile. Chances are the store clerk changed the bills for fakes ones (something that it’s pretty common with taxis).

    ATM are pretty safe here in Chile, and from what I have heard (not 100% sure about this) they have some system build-in to avoid fake bills

  3. The cashier (at the coffee shop) changed your real bills and gave you back the fake ones, that’s the most probable option, ATMS are safe. That hand trick to change the bills is worthy of a magicians award.

  4. But does it happen more often?

    A: no, it doesn’t happen, the money comes from a nearby bank and the bank had pretty strict rules about counterfeits.

    Should I check all the bills from the cashmachine in south America?

    A:I don’t know other countries but in Chile you don’t have to check them.

    We don’t know for real, but we believe in this sub that you were scammed by the clerk, if you prefer your own narrative, it’s alright but enough people explained the likely chain of events.

  5. [](


    it happen before

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