Here is the content about getting robbed as a foreigner in Spanish, with SEO tags:
¡Insólito! ¡Me acaban de robar como extranjero, ¿qué hago ahora?
Si eres extranjero y te acaban de robar, es normal sentirte confundido y no saber qué hacer. Aquí te dejamos una guía con los pasos a seguir:
Paso 1: Denuncia el robo a la policía
Lo primero que debes hacer es denunciar el robo a la policía local. Acude a la comisaría más cercana y presenta una denuncia. Asegúrate de proporcionar todos los detalles posibles sobre el incidente.
Paso 2: Contacta con tu embajada o consulado
Si has perdido documentos importantes como tu pasaporte, debes ponerte en contacto con tu embajada o consulado lo antes posible. Ellos te ayudarán con el proceso de reemplazar tus documentos.
Paso 3: Cancela tus tarjetas bancarias
Si te han robado tus tarjetas bancarias, contacta inmediatamente con tu banco para cancelarlas y evitar cualquier uso fraudulento.
Paso 4: Solicita un informe policial
Una vez hayas denunciado el robo, solicita un informe policial. Este documento te puede ser útil para realizar reclamaciones a tu seguro o para justificar la pérdida de documentos importantes.
Paso 5: Cuida tu seguridad
Después de un robo, es importante tomar medidas para proteger tu seguridad. Intenta no llevar contigo objetos de valor, evita caminar solo por zonas poco concurridas y ten siempre a mano los números de emergencia.
Recuerda que la prevención es clave para evitar robos. Como extranjero, infórmate sobre las zonas seguras de la ciudad y sigue siempre las recomendaciones de seguridad locales.
Hi everyone. Sorry my Spanish is very very weak so I will speak English, hopefully it's not a problem.
I'm Vietnamese visiting Santiago and I just got robbed this morning right in front of Pariwana Hostel in Recoleta, Santiago while waiting for a car at 5:15am. A gangster approached me out of nowhere and tried to snatch my backpack. Before I realized what was going on, his whole gang showed up and quickly pushed me to the ground and took my phone, wallet, and a small bag, which contained my passport. Luckily, there was some humanity in them so they threw my wallet back to me after taking out the money, so I still have my credit cards and ID cards and everything, except for my phone, money, and most importantly my passport.
I'm back in my AirBnB now and still in shock about what had just happened. I had never got robbed this way before and am trying to process it. I know I should have been more cautious. It's still early in the morning and it's Saturday. And my questions are:
- Should I go to a nearby police station asap to report this? Can anything be done? And is it helpful to have a police report in hand so I can request other services (see below)?
- My passport has a stamp from the Chilean immigration officer that showed the date I entered Chile (last Sunday) and they also gave me a paper showing more details of my visit. As far as I understand, I need both to be able to leave Chile(?) So if I go to my embassy (Vietnamese) on Monday and try to get an emergency passport, will I be able to obtain that stamp and that piece of paper as well?
Any comments, answers are greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Update: Thank you so much everyone for your suggestions/encouragements. I'm still reading all your comments. I have gone to a nearby police station with the help of the AirBnB host in translating. She was super helpful. I will hopefully get a police report at 3pm today. I admit that I was a bit too relaxed and careless since I am so used to living in the US. And before this I had been to other places like Valparaiso, Vina Del Mar with no problem.
More details of the incident: I was told by the tour driver to wait at Pariwana Hostel at 5:15am. Given that he is a local tour driver, he must know where is safe and where is not, so I put all my trust in him. I rushed there around 5:16am, texted him and he told me he would be there in 10-15minutes and told me to wait inside. My mistake for not waiting inside since I was not staying in the hotel. There were a whole bunch of young people, men and women, presumably tourists like me standing around the hotel chatting, talking, so I thought it should be a chill and safe place. So I took a short walk around while waiting for the driver and turned onto a less crowded side (still meters away from Pariwana). Then from behind me this gangster approached and tried to snatch my bag, and that's how it happened. There were some other people standing, walking around there but all they could do was to watch the whole thing unfold until the end (I don't blame anyone at all since there were 5-6 gangsters). I guess they were just shocked like me. I was so embarrassed and traumatized after the gang ran away. Some people across the street called me to come inside, gave me water, calmed me down, then drove me back to my place making sure I was safe there, which I really appreciated. My flight back home is tonight but I won't make it. On Monday I'll try to get an emergency passport at the embassy and hopefully can get home asap for work and stuff.
All in all, it's been a horrible experience but it could have been much much worse. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, and this is the very first time I had been robbed this way, given that I have traveled fairly extensively. I thought of fighting back but then suddenly remembered the gang might have weapons so just give them all to stay alive. I bled a little bit but now I'm fine. Live and learn I guess!
1 . yes immediately
also if you can, try to talk to the hotel. maybe they have them on camera and they can be traced
also block your passport, I don’t know how it works in your country but here we can block every document. talk to your embassy they should help you with that and also with a temporary document for you to be able to travel
if you are in doubt of your documentation, the PDI (a different kind of police) is in charge of the documentation in the airports and borders (among other stuff). they can answer any doubt you might have before you travel.
I am very sorry this happened to you. Unfortunately, Recoleta is not a safe place to be at 5am anymore.
Yes, everything you said is correct. The first thing is to report it to the police and then do your paperwork with the embassy. They will probably give you an emergency passport. I am very sorry about what happened to you. I send you a hug! (and no, you shouldn’t have been more careful… people are miserable)
Hi my friend,
I am very sorry that you had to lived that horrible experience and I hope you are okay.
As the people here are saying:
-Go to the police and declare what happened and the things that were robbed to you.
-Ask to the police first, but you will probably have to go to the PDI (investigation police) to get the visa paper again. Maybe it is not necessary if the police can provide you with an official declaration of what was robbed.
-Go to your embassy and get a provisional passport. That should be fast to get.
You can go to the nearest police station but is better to call them immediately if you can, and never again stay at an unearthly hours in Recoleta, or Santiago overall.
Recoleta is very cuma
If you have travel insurance, that should cover your loses partially. For that you’re going to need a police report, so if anything, that is a good reason to do it. Sorry that this happened to you. I have been robbed too and I know it really feels awful.
I feel so bad for you. 🙁
Hope you feel better soon and I also hope the police help you.
Recoleta is not even safe for us chileans at this point. Unfortunately you went to the wrong place in the city.
You should never go to recoleta or estación central. Las condes or providencia are way better, consider going there next time.
Recoleta is too dangerous my friend, try to go to Hotels near to Santa Lucia or providencia
That sucks. From now on you should inform yourself about where you can be alone at 5am in chile (and the rest of the world for the matter).
Recoleta is not a safe place to be alone at night.
On behalf of my people, I’m sorry. Personally, I feel shame.
Good luck to you, I’ve been mugged myself and it is a horrible experience.
What the fuck were you doing in Recoleta?
There are close to none “workers” residential houses in that zone, so basically it is no man’s land beyond 10-12PM
damn man what bad luck, its dangerous on the weekends after 1am moreso cuz people are going home from partying and thieves look for drunk or lone targets to get quick money
I guess you will be more careful next time or better not visit such shitty place, and your english is very good btw
I know people understand anyways but is that hard to use google translate?
Why the F are you staying in recoleta?
Go to the embassy of your country, just take a Uber it’s in “Fatima 1640, Vitacura” and tell them everything, they will help you. Go to a police station also. And if you can.. change your airbnb to anywhing away from recoleta
Try not to get traumatized, in Chile this happen everyday, Chileans thiefs usually give you back all your documents if you are cooperative and they only take your money and anything that worth money, think it like RNG, your chances were clearly great because you didn’t know how to move in Chile, you have to be careful of venezuelan and foreigners thiefs in Chile (they are lot worse, that can stab you or shot you even if you are cooperative), in Chile you have to be low profile to reduce the chances of this happening, avoid using cash, and show confidence in your body language. In Chile you will find lot of great people but also tons of shitty people.
Why you were here in Chile? Visiting? Studying? Maybe you don’t need to left because that awful experience, you just need to meet some right people and hang around with them to be safe while knowing the culture.
Recoleta, that was your first mistake.
Can’t even get to understand how tourists get to these places, using google should be enough to make you understand what locations are safer than others.
You should not blame the victim, but if said victim decides to stay in one of the locations with the highest amount of homicides and robberies in the entire city…
La dignidad como le dicen algunos
Sorry this happened but you’re a dumbass for going out with your passport if you didn’t need to go out with your passport.
Edit: Estan re mal loco, el pasaporte se deja en el hotel y punto. No hay que salir a la calle con el único documento que te permite salir del pais en el que estas viajando.
Things to do before going to the carabineros:
– go to the place where you were robbed and ask for the burglar that robbed you, if it’s possible take his name, house address and a photo of him.
– take a note where you declared that you aren’t related to the burglar, please ask the burglar to sign that note.
– don’t be rude about the pronouns or the description of the burglar, remember that he is a respected citizen of this country.
Use this as motivation to hit the gym and bulk up. Don’t let people push you around.