[USA] Tesla vehicle nearly runs into a train, allegedly with “Full Self Driving” enabled (Source in comments) , [USA] Tesla vehicle nearly runs into a train, allegedly with “Full Self Driving” enabled (Source in comments) , https://v.redd.it/72xnyanjce1d1 , https://reddit.com/r/Roadcam/comments/1cvq1qp/usa_tesla_vehicle_nearly_runs_into_a_train/ , 1716130397 , https://external-preview.redd.it/NGNhMGRhbmpjZTFkMQhnRr1gypMVozfrcDd9qDKo69Yae1N9L6CsijuJvnyB.png?format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46c89001dee224434c5c8387877052a52b73be1c , 1cvq1qp , v.redd.it , 4053 , redeemer404 , , https://v.redd.it/72xnyanjce1d1/DASH_720.mp4?source=fallback , ,

[USA] Tesla vehicle nearly runs into a train, allegedly with "Full Self Driving" enabled (Source in comments)
byu/redeemer404 inRoadcam

, , , redeemer404 , 2024-05-19 14:53:17 , no , , Prompt, #USA #Tesla #vehicle #runs #train #allegedly #Full #Driving #enabled #Source #comments, #USA #Tesla #vehicle #runs #train #allegedly #Full #Driving #enabled #Source #comments, 1731565454, usa-tesla-vehicle-nearly-runs-into-a-train-allegedly-with-full-self-driving-enabled-source-in-comments

[USA] Tesla vehicle nearly runs into a train, allegedly with “Full Self Driving” enabled (Source in comments)

[USA] Tesla vehicle nearly runs into a train, allegedly with "Full Self Driving" enabled (Source in comments)
byu/redeemer404 inRoadcam

By Diario

43 thoughts on “[USA] Tesla vehicle nearly runs into a train, allegedly with “Full Self Driving” enabled (Source in comments)”
  1. Did the driver fall asleep? FSD is not and has never been a fully autonomous mode. It’s an advanced cruise control, that’s all. It requires supervision, because the chances it’s going to make a mistake is astronomical.

    He’s claimed this has happened before as well. How many near death episodes does one need until you learn from your mistakes?

  2. Concur with the other poster who said ‘This seems like base autopilot behavior and not FSD.’
    My guess is someone’s free trial expired and they were still expecting FSD reactions.

  3. Unless something has changed, Full Self-Driving is intended for use on highways and city streets. This appears to be neither of these. It’s not autopilot. You’re not supposed to be using it out here like this, and this is exactly why.

  4. Remember that this isn’t for us. This is about creating a product that allows businesses to increase their profitability through reduced costs.

    Driverless vehicles aren’t about convenience for the passenger. They are about getting something from point a to b without having to pay a driver.

    The tests are about reducing risks to the point that insurance is affordable enough for it to become scalable at mass levels.

    Crashes won’t even be a problem; so long as they aren’t fatal. They will probably be commonplace, but acceptable to business, for a good few decades.

    But do we want this?

    You get framed as anti-progressive, or you get sold the line that you are blinded by the fallacy of human self-belief (I.e. thousands of road deaths per year could be eliminated, trust us, even if we still can’t prove it).

  5. My favourite comment on the original posting was along the lines of “Tesla fans insist that even though it’s called Full Self Driving, drivers must pay attention at all times.

    Same Tesla stans say that FSD is practically finished and ready for use”

  6. My self driving took me 40 in a 25 a few days ago which was wayyyy to fast for the surroundings. The crazy thing is that the screen showed a picture of the 25MPH sign so it knew it was speeding. I only turn my speed higher by 5 MPH.

    I felt like at any moment a car could pull out of a driveway or a person animal could put one foot in the road and be demolished. I’m turning it off for a few years, I’m not going to be a guinea pig for this shit.

  7. It seems that optical sensors by itself is not enough; self driving needs lidar. Musk did not want to use Lidar, citing that humans runs on optical sensors just fine; he agrees now that Lidar may be necessary, as his former engineer suggested.

  8. Definition of a MORON!

    Overpay for a Tesla, pay additional fee for auto pilot, note 55 mph speed limit, verify foggy conditions, accelerate vehicle to 60 mph, set Tesla to auto pilot because moron can’t see through fog, nothing to see outside so watch Harry Potter on phone instead, laugh during the Hogwarts Express scenes, realize train whistle is real, distract self away from movie just in time to turn steering thingy, criticize TESLA, blame TESLA, demand TESLA video for proof, run as fast as you can to NBC, because the world must know how bad this TESLA system is, tell insurance TESLA owes them money, hire lawyer to sue TESLA, pay double on car insurance next 10 years, donate car to church to let them pay the haz-mat fees on lithium battery disposal, write off loss on taxes, buy another TESLA….

    Am I on the right track?

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